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3. Reordering Checks

Congratulations on learning how to place an order for a new account. Now we’re going to walk through how to reorder checks for an account holder who has already ordered checks.

In order to do this, you are going to need the order ID (located on an account holder’s reorder slip) or MICR account number for an actual account holder who has previously ordered checks. Any changes you make to account holder's information or order will not be saved while you are in training.

If you are still viewing the Account Switchboard after the previous lesson, please click the Main Menu button in LDWeb now.

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  1. Depending on the account holder information you are using (order ID or MICR account number), type that information in the appropriate box. Initiating a reorder in either way works exactly the same.


Some FIs will have a box for the “Member ID.” You can type a member ID in this box to access the Account Switchboard, where you will see order information for all the products your FI offers, including payment books.

  1. Click the Go button to proceed to the Account Switchboard.